The Team


Hello, my name is Thomas. I am an artist, videographer, photographer, editor, and comedian with work commissioned from various locations in the US. My love for making videos stems from the fact that I enjoy entertaining and informing others. If I made fun videos, then people would be entertained and might learn something as well.


  • I make internet videos in order to 1. progress my knowledge of all aspects of video production, and 2. to entertain people by asking questions that only an insane person would ask. I worked on a video recently called “Is Freddy Fazbear a Muppet?” where I delved into the definition of what a Muppet technically is using interviews and old footage from Jim Henson.

  • One of my hobbies is video game console restoration. A majority of the work I have done has been on Nintendo consoles, but I collect old tech so there’s no telling what I may have to fix in the future.

  • Yes I use FL Studios, no I do not regret it. I have been able to make some what I think are interesting things using this piece of software. I composed original music for a video game pitch I had to do back in college. For the aforementioned Muppet video, I did arrangements of “Man or A Muppet” “Movin’ Right Along” and “The Muppet Show Theme” in order to avoid copyright system detections. I have a background in music as I have played the trumpet for 16 odd years.

    Real quick funny story, When I was in my audio production class back in college, we were mixing for the band we recorded. Each person had to do their own mix, but the recording was done all together. Anyways, while I was working on my mix in the lab, the professor walk in to check in and see if there was any progress being made. I told him how I really enjoyed the sound some of the effects gave to the guitar and bass. He said that as long as it sounded good in the end, he didn’t care how we did it. So with that much free reign, I put some of the most unhinged effects in the in the program we were using. It was a lot of fun and I spent maybe 3 hours just doing that one part. When all was said and done, the professor wanted to hear it. I let him have a listen, and he said that he liked my mix the best out of the class. I asked what made mine different than my classmate’s and he said “Its got some balls to it” and I had to hold in the 12 year old voice in my head that wanted to laugh as he said balls. It was a great time, and a memory I will hold until the end of time.

  • Yes, I know comedy works in 3’s. That is the exact reason I put it fourth. Comedy is the bodies default response when it doesn’t know how to properly process to something. Think of nervous laughter. Nothing is tickling their funny bone at that moment, but their body defaults to laughing. Just a fun fact I picked up from my years of studying comedy.

    When I was 16 I decided I wanted to help people. That is what I wanted my job to be. To help people. I later realized that the best way for me to do that was through comedy. If I could make a person laugh, it could help them through whatever it is their going through. At least, that is what happened to me when I was going through a rough patch a few years back.

    Now don’t get me wrong, I want to do comedy. However, I do not want to do stand-up comedy. If I had to do stand-up all the time, my legs would get tired. Anyways, I found internet comedy to me the route for me. I wrote parody articles for my university’s paper, and forgot to send them in. I did like a few of them, and I may send them in some day.